Mattachu's Blog

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Things have changed for me, but that's okay...

Today's been pretty mixed, but I think it's ended well.
I slept in until about 2pm after going to bed at 4am, and haven't really left my room all day ^^' Spent most of the day playing Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 2 and Facebook Tetris, and talking to Maria. I think me and Sam are okay again now, we've had a big talk and gotten a few things out of the way, so it's okay now. Maybe I'm a pushover, as I kinda got sad when she was feeling upset about various events over the weekend, but still, I'm glad I've not lost a friend over it. We got on to talking about poetry and so I wrote a sonnet ^^ Here it is:


The midnight fog enshrouds a tainted heart,
The chill of winter does dark thoughts impart,
The bitter wind howls through the leafless trees,
And causes even kind, warm hearts to freeze,
As winter carries on the chill grows worse,
And we slip further down beneath the curse,
Our fragile, frozen souls begin to die,
And from the crippling pain we start to cry,
Our tears fall down amid the new spring rain,
Which wipes away the sadness and the pain,
The icy wind becomes a warming breeze,
And blows away our insecurities,
Friendship renewed, we laugh away the strife,
As once again we find the joy in life.


Anyway, that's about it for today, so more tomorrow ^^


Saturday, November 29, 2008


Well, this week's been a total disappointment, despite such high expectations. After the complete disaster that was last night, I went to the Tai Pan dim sum meal, to which my friends were late so they went and sat on another table leaving me basically with people I never talk to, and then they buggered off without saying goodbye. The food was good, but because I was in such a bad mood I didn't enjoy it.
Since then, I've just been here doing very little. Watched a couple of episodes of Genshiken on Veoh now we've stopped watching it at anime club, and watched the first episode of Pokémon again. Also been playing Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 2 some more, and playing Facebook Tetris, trying to rack up insane scores. I'm already beating all my other friends on the application, but I just want to push the bar higher, but somehow achieving a score of more than 15,000 in under 2 minutes just doesn't seem to be happening. I've so far got to around 13,000.
Aside from that, I've been talking to Maria (who seemed to have fun at another party tonight), which kinda helped me not to feel so angry, so right now I've almost cooled down, but still, I feel like most of my friends don't give a flying fuck about me. I guess only time will tell...
Anyways, nighty night

Friday, November 28, 2008

Cold and Annoyed

Well, today could have gone better...
Got up at about 10 and had my first class at 12. Had labs until 5 (last labs of the semester) and was really psyched about going out tonight. Got to about 7 and one of my friends came online and said she and her friends were getting ready. 4 hours later and still no sign. Turns out 'getting ready' involved getting half-drunk before even leaving the house. Went out to meet them with a few other friends, and when we reached the meeting point, their group still wasn't there. Went to look for them - no joy. Turns out they'd taken the back way, so we went back to meet them, by which time I was really annoyed, not helped by the presence of a certain individual... So when we walked past my accommodation, I decided I didn't wanna walk through the city on a cold foggy night to a club we might not be able to get into, which would cost at least £5 even without drinks, so I just came back here.
I might go out tomorrow if things kick off a little earlier, but in future I won't bother even waiting after a certain time, I'll just settle down for the night.
And as for the certain individual whose very presence irritated me, he is further proof that bad guys finish first, if I needed any more. However, as being an asshole isn't in my nature, I'll just have to persevere and play with the cards I've been dealt. And maybe one day, I can have my happiness.
Speaking of happiness, Mia-chan's been out tonight at her friend's party. She called me (I got to hear her voice again ^^) and it sounded like she was having a lot of fun. At least one of us was... But hopefully she'll still be awake enough when she gets back so we can talk on MSN. I know that if she gets to visit in February then she won't let me down when it comes to going out.
I think that's me ranted out for today. Hopefully I won't have to rant tomorrow - going for dim sum at 2, and then HOPEFULLY going out somewhere in the evening - but be forewarned, it's a definite possibility at this point.
Night all.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Today was rather fun ^^ Despite an early start, the lectures today were interesting, and then afterwards I went to pick up Sam and we came back to mine for a while and looked into hacking some second generation Pokémon ROMs XD Brings back some memories...
Anyway, then we went to the Student's Union and saw a Korean film called 'Old Boy', which is totally whacked out, but incredibly interesting. A guy gets locked in a room for 15 years and then is let out to find who locked him up and why. A few shocking story twists, but definitely recommended to everyone.
Anyway, after that we headed up to the bar for the Japanese society nomikai (drinking meeting), got ourselves a double Archer's and Coke (yum) and ended up playing hangman after a while because we couldn't hear each other well over the loud loud music >< But then Gray joined us which was cool.
At midnight, it was on to the Chinese restaurant where we all had a share in some various yummy foods, green tea and orange segments. Sam said she was full but to be honest I'm still kinda hungry ^^' I guess that makes me a glutton, huh? But I'd only had cheese and toast earlier so maybe it would've filled me if I ate properly... Ah well, it was tasty and it was discounted, so good night all round ^^
I just read Mia's blog, it's so touching *cries a little* I love you so much too Mia-chan, and I know that when we meet that'll just make those feelings even stronger!
Anyway, I think I should probably sleep now, starting to get a bit tired. My next blog may be a little late as my schedule over the next couple of days is looking to be packed!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Today wasn't quite what I expected, but still I managed to cheer up substantially before the end ^^
I had a weird dream last night, which kinda put me in a strange mood for the rest of the day. I decided I didn't want to go to my friend's Tai Chi class either because of that and the fact that I didn't want to walk alone for half an hour in the dark, cold, windy, possibly rainy.
But once I got back another friend invited me to go see The Mighty Boosh live on tour next week, which should be fun ^^
Currently debating with Sam where to go on Friday, as there's no anime screening. My itinerary's completely packed the rest of this week, but hopefully it'll be a lot of fun! Incidentally, she just started up a blog so go check it out:
Also debating with a friend about how she isn't fat but can't see it. Any ideas how to get her to come to her senses?
And had an interesting conversation with Mia about different types of condoms and edible underwear XD
Just had some microwaved quiche and hoping that Liz's kitchen frees up soon so she can go get some food, as if I were in her position I'd also be starving hungry ><
Anyhow, that's about it from me for today, ciao for now

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Snow Poem

Well, I asked Mia to give me a noun so I could write a poem about it, and she gave me 'Snow'. As luck would have it, I was already writing a poem about snow, in the style of Wordsworth's 'I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud'. So I just managed to finish it off, and here it is:


I Wandered Silent As A Shade (Snow Poem)

I wandered silent as a shade,
That floats on through the foggy night,
When all at once the lights did fade,
A host of stars obscured from sight;
Beside the moon the clouds drift by,
And hide the glimmering midnight sky.

Continuous as a rolling stream
that flows on through the grassy plain,
The clouds have masked the starlight's gleam
and filled the air with freezing rain:
Ten thousand droplets hit the ground,
As Heaven falls down all around.

The wind does cause the trees to shake,
When suddenly the storm grows slow,
The raindrops turn to fluffy flake,
And to the ground falls pure white snow;
A veil of silk now coats the earth,
And to a beautiful scene gives birth.

The snowflakes settle on the grass,
And turn the scene from black to white,
The clouds across the moon do pass,
And leave us with a starry night;
And now my heart with glee doth glow,
As now I see the winter snow.


Please comment and tell me what you think ^^


Well, I know it's 1am on Wednesday, but this is Tuesday's blog anyway.
Early start today, molecular genetics at 9am >< But it wasn't too bad, and hopefully it'll help with one of the online assessments I have to do - I tried it before, guessing the answers, and got a 0 - EPIC FAIL!
Had a few hours where I walked around and hung out with my friends, and bought a bottle of Dr Pepper from the little Tesco for about 77p ^^ - EPIC WIN!
Had another lecture and a study session after, then headed on home. Roleplay club wasn't quite as good as I'd hoped; started playing Munchkin with a few people, but I'd not shuffled very well so all cards of the same type were clumped together >< style="font-style: italic;">someone came along and was ordering us to finish the game as soon as possible so we could get on to roleplaying, which kinda ruined my mood. Then after about 15 minutes the GM decided to call it a day because he'd not prepared anything and he was shattered. So I've been back here ever since, and now I've thoroughly shuffled my Munchkin deck - seriously, I divided all the cards by category and separated them into two piles and then moved them all around so no two similar cards were near each other! So next time, all should be fine!
Anyways, that's about all for today. I'm gonna get Mia to help me choose a topic to write a poem on, and then I'll post that up here once it's done. Bye for now ^^

Monday, November 24, 2008


Well, not much noteworthy's happened today, but I may as well mention what has happened. Pretty late start today (11am) so had time to wake up properly before heading out. Had two lectures, then a quick lunch break before my last Monday practical this term - lung mechanics. Nothing too strenuous (I wasn't the one breathing into the machine ^^') but I did manage to swipe a nice noseclip to go with my alcohol pre-injection swabs from the last Monday practical XD One more practical left (Friday) which looks like it should be interesting (lac operon in E. Coli for anyone who's into biology/genetics).
I also discovered that quiche is microwaveable, though it doesn't say so on the packet, so that made for a nice dinner today.
And I finally managed to recruit Regirock in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 2, which took about 5 tries >< And then got Palkia and Phione too. Next stop - Jirachi, Suicune and Moltres in the Final Maze.
Looking forward to tomorrow evening - roleplay club means another crazy round of Munchkin!
Anyways, that's about it for today ^^

Sunday, November 23, 2008

La Vie En Manchester

Well, inspired by my friend Mia, I'm gonna start posting on here more often, as now I'm at uni I have plenty of stuff to write about ^^
Today in itself was pretty boring, I got up at about midday and played Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness ever since. Also been talking to Mia most of the day too which is always a good thing ^^ Today we talked about Shintoism, cats and dogs. She also started up her own blog, so go take a look:
This week's looking to be pretty cool - Tuesday's roleplay club as usual, and I brought a new Munchkin expansion pack yesterday (Need For Steed) so hopefully we'll have a crazy game of that first before we start on actual roleplaying (last week was hilarious! XD). On Wednesday my friend Claire's gonna be starting a Tai Chi class, which I hope should be pretty good, and get me a bit of exercise (piggybacking Sam every so often isn't really enough ^^'), Thursday's another Japanese Society social at Joshua Brookes, but then afterwards there's a midnight dinner at Tai Wu (yum yum). No anime on Friday ( :-( ) but on Saturday there's a dim sum lunch at Tai Pan and after I should be going out with some friends. So yeah, a packed week, and that's without all the work I've gotta do!
Anyhow, like i said, hopefully I'll post on here more often now I actually have a life worth talking about, so ciao for now