Mattachu's Blog

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Today was rather fun ^^ Despite an early start, the lectures today were interesting, and then afterwards I went to pick up Sam and we came back to mine for a while and looked into hacking some second generation Pokémon ROMs XD Brings back some memories...
Anyway, then we went to the Student's Union and saw a Korean film called 'Old Boy', which is totally whacked out, but incredibly interesting. A guy gets locked in a room for 15 years and then is let out to find who locked him up and why. A few shocking story twists, but definitely recommended to everyone.
Anyway, after that we headed up to the bar for the Japanese society nomikai (drinking meeting), got ourselves a double Archer's and Coke (yum) and ended up playing hangman after a while because we couldn't hear each other well over the loud loud music >< But then Gray joined us which was cool.
At midnight, it was on to the Chinese restaurant where we all had a share in some various yummy foods, green tea and orange segments. Sam said she was full but to be honest I'm still kinda hungry ^^' I guess that makes me a glutton, huh? But I'd only had cheese and toast earlier so maybe it would've filled me if I ate properly... Ah well, it was tasty and it was discounted, so good night all round ^^
I just read Mia's blog, it's so touching *cries a little* I love you so much too Mia-chan, and I know that when we meet that'll just make those feelings even stronger!
Anyway, I think I should probably sleep now, starting to get a bit tired. My next blog may be a little late as my schedule over the next couple of days is looking to be packed!


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