Mattachu's Blog

Sunday, April 01, 2012


Hey peeps,
I had absolutely no idea what to blog about today, but I felt I wanted to write something, preferably something that a lot of people would enjoy, so in the end I settled on talking about 10 of my top Disney movies ^^' So yeah, enjoy :)
(These are in order of release date rather than in order of preference)
  1. Fantasia:
    This musical movie's been one of my favourites since I was a little kid. Apparently I used to know plenty of classical music as a kid based on where certain songs appeared in the movie ^^' Although, being a little kid when I watched it, I always fell asleep at roughly the same point in the movie, so I don't really remember much of it past the dinosaurs part. Two of my favourite parts are probably the Chinese Dance with the mushrooms, and the part with Bacchus (although I can't actually remember the music that plays there, just the animation XD)
    Ironically for one of my favourite movies, Fantasia was released exactly 50 years before I was born - November 13th 1940. More recently, Disney released a sequel - Fantasia 2000. I wasn't quite so enthralled by this, though it wasn't too bad. Certainly not as memorable for me though (the only musical part I really remember was the city piece, and only because it appeared in my GCSE Music exam)

  2. Alice in Wonderland:
    Once again, this one has always been a favourite of mine. We don't have the VHS of this (despite having a sizeable Disney video collection), but we have it recorded from the TV, though I don't know from what year. This movie's the reason I decided to read the two Alice in Wonderland books, and by extension, probably why Jabberwocky is my favourite poem. I've since seen the recent live-action movie, but I still prefer the animated version. The movie also provides characters and backdrops for one of my favourite old-school video games - Mickey Mouse's World of Illusion for Sega Mega Drive/Genesis (perhaps I'll talk about Sega in a future blog...)

  3. The Sword in the Stone
    Okay, this one's definitely got to be in my top 3. As a kid, my favourite parts of this movie were undoubtedly the parts where Arthur gets turned into a fish/squirrel/bird, and the wizard's duel. And Archimedes' epic laugh still makes me crack up XD For those of you who haven't seen it, behold the hilarity!:

  4. The Jungle Book
    This one's one of my favourites if only for the musical numbers. Bare Necessities was one of the Disney songs we managed to find in English at karaoke, if I recall, and I wanna be like you is a classic. Again, this is a movie I used to fall asleep to as a child, at the part just before Mowgli meets Kaa for the second time (there's even photographic evidence of this fact in one of our family photo albums XD). I've never seen the sequel, nor read the book; I should probably at least do the latter ^^'

  5. The Aristocats
    Again, one of my top 3, I reckon. I even made a very amateurish Youtube Poop of this a few years back.

    As with The Jungle Book, the music is one of the main draws for me - Everybody Wants To Be A Cat. Oh, and the part with Uncle Waldo XD That makes me chuckle muchly.

  6. Robin Hood
    This is probably one of the ones I've watched most of the ones on this list, and as with The Sword in the Stone, is based on an English legend. Not sure what to say about this one, really, except that it comes highly recommended. My favourite part's probably the archery tournament, especially when Hiss gets drunk, and Little John starts calling Prince John PJ XD

  7. The Great Mouse Detective
    Being a huge fan of the Sherlock Holmes stories, this one had to feature on my list. I think this must have been my first introduction to the series, come to think of it. For a Disney film, it's actually kind of creepy in places, such as the opening when *spoilers* the toymaker gets kidnapped *end spoilers*. There is one slightly facepalm moment in the movie which I just have to mention though - when Olivia asks Toby if he wants a 'crumpet' which is blatantly a muffin. I blame spies from 4Kids Entertainment trying to sabotage Disney ("These donuts are great, Brock!"). Aside from that minor complaint, great film :)

  8. Beauty and the Beast
    This is a movie I've not seen in entirely too long, and hence there are large parts of it which I can't entirely remember. My two main reasons for including this movie in the list are 1.) the countless YouTube poops which usually make me laugh, and 2.) the Gaston song. Even being a villain's ego trip, that part of the movie is probably my favourite. Another karaoke moment too, with Derek playing my Lefou (no homo). I definitely have to watch this movie again in the near future...

  9. Aladdin
    This is one I have a pretty good recollection of, probably from having watched it a lot of times. "Friend Like Me" was yet another karaoke song, and I used to be a fan of the Saturday morning cartoon show. Although, I've only seen the sequel once, and I've never seen the third movie. But as with most sequels to classic Disney movies, I'm willing to bet that the original is the best. I'm sure there's got to be a drinking game in this movie somewhere *evil grin*

  10. Mulan
    This movie is the one which has the most recent memory attached - that of mine and my brother's hilarious drinking game. We came up with a set of rules (which I think I posted as a note on Facebook), but did NOT think them through beforehand, meaning we got pretty decently buzzed by the end ^^' My brother's idea of each choosing a word the other had to drink to certainly backfired on him though - turns out the word 'father' turns up a lot more than 'dragon' *evil laugh*

Well, that wraps up today's list. Just because I've not mentioned a movie, doesn't mean that I dislike it. I'm still a big fan of movies such as The Lion King, The Little Mermaid, and The Rescuers, I just don't have so many memories or such a good recollection of them. I know there are plenty of bigger Disney fans out there than myself, but I'm certainly a fan of the animated classics ^^
Ciao for now!


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