Things have changed for me, but that's okay...
Today's been pretty mixed, but I think it's ended well.
I slept in until about 2pm after going to bed at 4am, and haven't really left my room all day ^^' Spent most of the day playing Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 2 and Facebook Tetris, and talking to Maria. I think me and Sam are okay again now, we've had a big talk and gotten a few things out of the way, so it's okay now. Maybe I'm a pushover, as I kinda got sad when she was feeling upset about various events over the weekend, but still, I'm glad I've not lost a friend over it. We got on to talking about poetry and so I wrote a sonnet ^^ Here it is:
The midnight fog enshrouds a tainted heart,
The chill of winter does dark thoughts impart,
The bitter wind howls through the leafless trees,
And causes even kind, warm hearts to freeze,
As winter carries on the chill grows worse,
And we slip further down beneath the curse,
Our fragile, frozen souls begin to die,
And from the crippling pain we start to cry,
Our tears fall down amid the new spring rain,
Which wipes away the sadness and the pain,
The icy wind becomes a warming breeze,
And blows away our insecurities,
Friendship renewed, we laugh away the strife,
As once again we find the joy in life.
Anyway, that's about it for today, so more tomorrow ^^