Mattachu's Blog

Friday, December 12, 2008


Got up this morning about 11.30am, printed out notes for GED then headed out at about 12.30. As I don't have any more Japanese or labs this semester, that was the only class I had today. Me and Sam went to get tickets for the Life Science Society Christmas Party next week, and then I got a bit of food from Tesco which I hope will last me until I leave for Christmas.
Got back here and did a little work, but have mostly done very little. We postponed the Deathnote screening because so many people bailed out, and so we played Munchkin for a while, which is really not as fun with only two people.
I had a nap for about an hour, and woke up still feeling rather tired. One of my friends started talking to me about something a little upsetting and I guess it caught me a little off-guard while I was still tired, and so I've been feeling kinda down ever since. Not helped by the fact that she's been getting drunk alone, and then talking on the phone to one of her friends (who I'd like to kill in the slowest, most painful way possible as it is) when she never talks to me on the phone like that. So that's really not put me in a great mood at all. Also tried eating 200g of mature cheddar, which made me feel rather ill. Dunno when I'll go to sleep tonight, guess I'll see when I feel too tired to stay up any longer.
Night all,


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