Mattachu's Blog

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Get It Together...

Today started out pretty normally, but then kinda nosedived. Started with Sam saying she wasn't going to go shopping today like we'd planned. Then she decided to wait until tomorrow until buying the tickets to a party next week. So I ended up walking off without saying anything else to her.
Talked to her on MSN a few hours later, and turns out she thought I didn't want to be around her because I was acting moody and distant. Whereas the fact of the matter was that I was only acting that way because I thought she didn't want to be around me. Think I suffered a minor nervous breakdown at one point, but I think we patched it up a little, but still, I have to get my act together and get more positive. For my friendship with Sam, and for everyone else...
After that, I went out to roleplay club which was rather amusing. Though turns out I could have brought my Munchkin cards because one of our members (who occasionally objects to Munchkin) wasn't there. But still, we had a few amusing moments. Airglided onto an airship, involving one of our party going really far out of the way and almost getting killed by an enemy general; some dumb underling picked up my magic sword and got zapped because it has a 'true name' which only I know; Gray's character threw a canister of pure aether (mana) at the enemy general and our other party member (also heavily damaged), and a large aether explosion has resulted in everyone being blown back and a cloud of smoke descending on the deck, whish is where we left it for the evening. At one of the other tables, a character ended up failing some rolls for a kill spell and not only wiped out all the enemies, but all of his own party except for one of his former team-mates' familiars. Everyone in the room gave him a clap XD
Anyway, got back at just gone 11 with a bottle of Dr Pepper and a medium meatzza pizza from the Domino's on the corner. I considered going for a large as it was only £1 more than a medium, but thought better of it. Probably just as well, as I was pleasantly stuffed after the pizza and drink. I think I will try the large next time though, just to see how I feel afterwards XD Yeah, I'm a bit of a glutton, but I've lost over half a stone since I arrived so I need to bulk out a bit again I think. If all else fails, Christmas will surely see to that ^^'
Unfortunately I didn't get to talk to Mia-chan much this evening because she was out at a work party and then I was out at roleplay. I talked to her a little in the afternoon though, so it's better than nothing ^^
I have a Japanese presentation to give tomorrow - an assessed oral test - so wish me luck!
Anyway, probably a good idea if I sleep now, so here's to a new positive outlook. For the sake of friendship.
Night night,


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