Mattachu's Blog

Saturday, December 06, 2008


I got up rather late today (as in, after midday) but I didn't have to get up early so why the hell not, eh? At 4, me and Sam went to the International Society for the Japanese Evening. Started off with a few... technical difficulties involving a projector, but then got a bit of a talk about Japanese culture, which taught me a few new things, and then we did a bit of origami and were taught a bit of Japanese (though I knew most of the stuff they were teaching so me and Sam were just discussing our upcoming Japanese exams). There was a rather amusing incident involving Sam really needing to go to the toilet, but I don't think she'd appreciate me going into too much detail about that!
Anyway, then we moved on to the food. We started off making cucumber and crab stick nigiri rolls, using the bamboo mats that we were allowed to keep. I used rather a lot of rice, but still, it tasted pretty good and stayed together rather well. Next we used a little rice-compressing tray thingamyjig to make some rice blocks which we then put smoked salmon on top of, which was also nice. Then we had inari tofu bags stuffed with rice, which were quite sweet and by this time I was flagging a bit. Then we had a big plate of rice with salmon teriyaki. Considering all the food I'd had before, AND the tonne of green tea I'd had throughout the evening, I struggled to finish it all, but I made it in the end, and still drained the little cup of sake too (we decided it tasted like a cross between vodka and wine - still makes me flinch like vodka does though). Sam nearly got through it all and, considering how little she is compared to me, that was rather an achievement!
Anyway, we waddled out of the door and went back home after that, and I've been back in my room since then, heading to the toilet rather a lot to drain out the last of the green tea! I also decided to brighten up my bare walls a bit by printing out a lot of cool quotations in pretty colours and taping them to my wall. So much for the Halls' rule of not using tape or Blu-tack on the walls but a.) I couldn't even FIND my Blu-tack, b.) I'm pretty sure no-one else pays any attention to that rule anyway, and c.) The paint's peeling off my walls anyway, so I'm sure a few bits of tape won't matter. Well, 72 pieces of tape to be precise, but still, can't hurt really.
Also been trying to arrange a few things with people, namely an outing to the Life Sciences Society Christmas Society, and evening at a karaoke booth, and a trip to the Fall Out Boy concert at the MEN Arena in March. Fun fun fun if it all goes according to plan, so let's hope it does ^^
Anyway, it's 4am and, dispite being completely stuffed to the gills earlier on, I'm getting a bit peckish now so I'm going to go for some cheese and then hit the pit. Night all


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