Japan - Day 20
Today's been another crappy day, on the whole v.v
For starters, I was told about a seminar but I didn't know where and when it was, so I assumed that mine was another time. I should NEVER assume. I was meant to be at it, and I missed it >< Luckily, there is one next month, but still...
I went to the office early to see if I could pay my electric bill, and to ask how to open my letter box. As it transpires, because I hadn't spent over 500 yen in electricity, I don't have to pay this month. And I finally opened my mailbox, though nothing in there was specifically for me. Got a few things addressed to the previous occupant, which I put in a drawer in case he should ever come to collect them
I got to the lab fairly early and proceeded to run the checks and PCR and gel again. Once again, it was a failure, so after this I cooked up some gel to pass some time before going home. I did leave a PCR running overnight though, with less DNA and new ingredients, so fingers crossed
Kanji class was alright, I do need to practice however, as the pace of the classes is VERY fast. Japanese class (when I should have been at the seminar -_-) wasn't bad, but the teacher spent most of the class going over the homework which was marked yesterday. My little story at the end was one of the three which was read out for being good ^^' We had to talk about giving and receiving, and I wrote a little fantasy piece called The Mysterious Forest XD Still, I scored pretty well I think lol
I talked to my tutor about getting a mobile phone, and he said that we could do it on Friday. For a start, that was fine, but then I remembered that we have a group meeting on Friday (I have to present on the protein I'm studying - in English, mercifully - which I started preparing for tonight) at the time he said we'd go, so I e-mailed him tonight and he was trying to rearrange for next Friday, but I don't want to end up being excluded again, so I told him that, as I only need 60% attendance to Japanese classes, if I missed one it wouldn't be the end of the world, so he said we can go Friday after the meeting. Phew!
After leaving the lab, I briefly talked to my supervisor about the seminar problem and the gel problem, and then I left for home. Once I got back, I did a bit of studying, completed some forms for submission tomorrow, and killed a few more beasties on my power-levelling run through Tales Of Phantasia XD I'm about to go and see Yggdrassil after forming a pact with Sylph
Anyways, that's my day, more or less, I'm feeling a bit better now than I was earlier, which is good, so I hope tomorrow will be a better day ^^
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