Japan - Days 61-62
Tuesday was a fairly uneventful day. In fact, I can't remember much happening that was worth of note at all ^^' Lab was okay, I continued on with a Western blot. Japanese class was roleplays about calling a taxi, and I got my Daily Speech script back, which I need to practice. After class, I went to the Hirasuna cafeteria and had dinner with a friend, although as I'd already bought some noodles from the 100 yen store I took those along to eat, hoping that the staff wouldn't complain - they didn't :-p
Wednesday was a bit more interesting. We had a test in kanji class which went alright, I think, and then worked on some sign kanji, like 'push' and 'pull'. We talked about strange signs we'd seen, and someone said they'd seen a sign with something about toilet paper and crows in the toilets of his building, though I wonder if he read 'garasu' (glass) as 'karasu' (crow) by mistake. I had to miss Japanese class, along with most other exchange students, to take a health check. I'd prepared a urine sample in the morning (that was nasty -.-), and had to queue for an age to even get into the building, then had to queue at each of about 6 different stations for - urine sample submission, chest x-ray (this queue lasted something ridiculous like half an hour), blood pressure test, eyesight check, height and weight check, then going in to see a doctor who checked heart rate, eyes and glands (again, stupidly long queue), so all in all I was waiting for about an hour and a half. Apparently I've lost a few pounds, and I could feel myself stooping when they measured my height because I wasn't quite backed up against the pole when they started, so they underestimated my height a little, but still, there didn't seem to be anything wrong. After this, I had to go clean up the mice, then got the same text through 4 times about going for sushi, so I got to a suitable point then headed out, took a shower, then met up with everyone. There were only 6 of us, so we could fit perfectly around one table. It was very tasty, once again ^^ Then when I got back, one of my friends asked if he could come over to study and talk for a bit. 'A bit' lasted until about 1am, so I was pretty shattered by the time he left, and promptly went to bed. I am slightly worried about something I discovered online when he was here - on the Pokémon Dream World, my Gigigear has disappeared, and it seems like the Oddish I befriended has been downloaded. I don't think it's possible that someone hacked my account, but the site was down for maintenance some of yesterday and was acting a bit weird after, so maybe that's it. I'll be annoyed if they've disappeared though -.-
Anyways, that's about it from me for now. Byesie-bye :-)
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