Mattachu's Blog

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Japan - Day 7

I can't believe that this time last week I was settling down for my first night in Japan...
Anyway, today's been an alright day really. When I finally got to sleep, I proceeded to wake up at about 6ish, for some reason. I got online to talk to people for a few hours, then showered and headed out to my meeting with my supervisor. I was really early leaving though, so I stopped in the International Students' Centre again to abuse their aircon and read through a little more of the research paper I was given. Also of note, the ISC is now covered in scaffolding, so it may be a while before I can get a nice photo of it.
A little while later I went along to the lab, and waited for my supervisor for a few minutes. I went into his room along with him, the assistant professor, and a girl from the lab whose name I still don't remember ><><
On the way home, I took a detour to the 100-yen store and bought some croquets for dinner/breakfast and a litre bottle of lemon soda to wash it down, then came back here, bumping into one of the Eastern European guys we met at the airport on the way here. For a start he started speaking to me in Russian XD (he spoke to Jen at the airport so I guess he assumed that I could speak Russian too ^^') Turns out he doesn't speak Japanese, and his English isn't great ^^' I got his e-mail so I can tell him when TISA (Tsukuba International Students' Association) meets up once I find out myself
And so, I end up once again back here in my cell- er, room. Apparently September's the month when it starts cooling down but so far I'm not feeling it, two days in ^^' The assistant professor in my lab asked me if I was interested in playing tennis sometime soon with the people in the lab, which I said maybe to. Hopefully it'll happen when it's not quite so oppressively hot
That's about it for today. Tomorrow I'll go wandering around Tsukuba Centre. Apparently there aren't any video game stores there but I need to find an electricals store and the main Post Office, to withdraw some moneys. Ciao for now :-)


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